April Birthstone - The Opulent Diamond


April Birthstone - The Opulent Diamond


Dev Guru Jupiter is going to transit from his debilitated sign Capricorn to Airy sign Aquarius on 6th April 2021. It will remain in this sign till 15th September 2021. Its retrogation period will start from 20th June 2021 to 18th October 2021. It will again enter the Capricorn sign on 15th September 2021. In his direct motion, it will again enter the Aquarius sign on 20th November 2021.  Get expert guidance on various aspects of life by the best Astrologer Deepa.

Jupiter is a very important planet of the kundli. It is a karka of wisdom, wealth, knowledge, childbirth and in the lady’s chart, it is a karka for husband. So, the placement of Jupiter plays a very vital role in one’s life. Jupiter will enter in Dhanishtha Nakshatra of the Aquarius sign. It is the 11th house sign of kalpurush kundli which is the house of wish fulfillment, social connectivity, gains, and elder siblings. Jupiter's presence in Dhanishtha Nakshatra shows that people would like to be a part of the social gathering. They would like to work in a group for social welfare. Tolerance ability will increase, and people will be less aggressive during this time. They will dedicatedly work to fulfill their desire and earn money. Transit of Jupiter will mark an effect on the natives of every zodiac sign throughout the year So, let us read the Jupiter Transit 2021 predictions for different zodiac signs.